Hello again everyone. Today's photograph comes from Kuito, Angola. Researching for today's post was really quite interesting. I came across a UN article from 1998 on landmines in Angola. I found it very interesting that under my google search of "Kuito, Angola" the first several entries referred to the problems this African country has with landmine dangers. Through war and conflict, millions of landmines have been placed within the vacinity of innocent civilians without the care or concern of military powerhouses. I always feel like I have nothing good to say about the human race, but again, it is simply appalling that the number of military soldiers being injured by this weapon of war seems to be less than the number of innocent people being injured. According to the UN article I read, there is at least one mine per every citizen of Angola. This causes the death or serious injury of over 26,000 individuals a year. You see the disgusting thing is when you look at the economics behind it all. Why are landmines so practical in wartime? Because they are so cheap;
to lay one landmine costs from $3-$10. Why have the landmines not been removed? Because it is too expensive; $300-$1000 to remove just one mine. I simply do not understand the world we live in, where death, destruction, mayhem, terrorism seem to have become a consumer market, whereas the good in the world is becoming more expensive and unreliable. Where have all the good people gone? I know that I used an old article from 1998, and information may have changed since then. My only hope is that Angola, once home of the world's largest amputee population, will have recovered from the condition they used to be in.
Works Cited
Salgado, Sebastiao. Photograph. "Migrations: Humanity in Transition." Aperture. New York, 2000. 170.
Gary I love how you brought attention to the fact that evil and destruction cost less than the good in the world. It is truly unbelievable that people have to live in these circumstances. It is appalling that these landmines cause death and serious injuries to about 26,000 people every year. That would never be allowed in the United States or other stable countries; why should it be allowed there?